The Raspberry Pi makes a great little controller for BotQueue, but it until I add cloud based slicing, the gcode generation needs to happen on the Pi itself. Since the Raspberry is on the ARM architecture, there is not precompiled version available to use. The good news is that its pretty easy to install from source.
The first step is to install the prerequisite software using apt-get:
sudo apt-get install git-core build-essential libgtk2.0-dev libwxgtk2.8-dev libwx-perl libmodule-build-perl libnet-dbus-perl cpanminus libextutils-cbuilder-perl gcc-4.7 g++-4.7 libwx-perl libperl-dev
The next step is to compile and install all the Perl dependencies. Be warned, that this next step will take literally HOURS. My advice is to install screen first and then do it within a screen session in case your login gets interrupted:
sudo apt-get install screen
screen -dR botqueue
Now, install those dependencies:
sudo cpanm AAR/Boost-Geometry-Utils-0.06.tar.gz Math::Clipper Math::ConvexHull Math::ConvexHull::MonotoneChain Math::Geometry::Voronoi Math::PlanePath Moo IO::Scalar Class::XSAccessor Growl::GNTP XML::SAX::ExpatXS PAR::Packer
To compile all of the dependencies for Slic3r, you need the GUI running. If you keep that turned off on your Pi, you need to install the virtual framebuffer to give it a ‘fake’ X server to run on:
sudo apt-get install -qy xvfb
sudo Xvfb :1 &
sudo env DISPLAY=:1 cpanm Wx
sudo killall Xvfb
Now that all the prerequisites are installed, you can install Slic3r itself:
git clone
cd Slic3r
git checkout 0.9.9
sudo perl Build.PL
sudo ./Build install
Once you’ve installed it, you can run it from the commandline with ./
pp -c -o slic3r -M Method::Generate::BuildAll
I hope this helps anyone out there who is trying to get Slic3r installed on their Raspberry Pi!
Consdier using tmux instead of screen. Better in many small ways.
interesting, i’ll check that out!
Hi Zach,
I’m a first time user of linux and raspberry. Recently i’ve bougth a mendel kit and a raspberry to create my own stand allone 3d printring setup.
I’ve been able to instal printrun. Now i’m tring to instal Slic3r.
I’ve execute the instruction provided by you. I’m getting a error on the dependecies – PAR-Packer-1.014 (Timeout >1800s).
I’m using the following version on my raspberry:
Linux raspberrypi 3.6.11+ #450 PREEMPT Tue May 14 14:05:42 BST 2013 armv6l GNU/Linux
can you help me? I have the build log that I can send by email.
Thank you